Ah, Maine. I grew up on Southport, went to school in Damariscotta and Orono, lived in Old Town and Portland, and always secretly favored Camden; it could be said that Maine and I have a special relationship.

One that's been bolstered by my (now-sold-out) photography book, Maine Revisited — created from many of the photographs featured in the galleries below.

Explore and enjoy.
Bar Harbor and Acadia National ParkBath and WoolwichBoothbay, Boothbay Harbor, and East BoothbayBucksport and Stockton SpringsCamden and Camden Hills State ParkDamariscottaFalmouthFarmingtonFive IslandsFreeportHiramKennebunkport and ArundelKingfield and Carrabassett ValleyKitteryLivermore FallsNewcastle and South NewcastleNorth BerwickOgunquitOgunquit - OMAAOgunquit - Sparhawk FlowersOrono, Old Town, and UMaine (Orono)PemaquidPortlandRocklandSailing aboard Grace BaileySouthportWaldoboroWiscassetYarmouthYork, York Beach, and Nubble